Friday, November 19, 2010

Today I swung by the Bijou and picked me up some of these:Mr. Numbers
Peaceful tree
The Counting Peacock
Home is where your heart is

Pick up your own at the Bijou Market or check out Sugar Fresh on Etsy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

It was all yellow.

Brighten up your day with a pair of yellow pants.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Madsen bikes

Just this morning we were talking about these bikes:The blue one is my favorite!
How nifty is that bucket though! Karly told me that it would be hard to lug around Keaton and Kody in one of these but thats why you bring your dog or your twins -duh!
There's only three colors but they're all great! This company actually has a contest going on, click here to try and win one of these bikes!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Can you guess what I am?
We're all mad here. Happy halloween! More pictures to come but no guarantees :)

When you have 20 dollars...

Go buy this at a yard sale!
what a bargain!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This is a peach of a place

Every year towards the end of summer we take about a week to focus on peaches. let me tell you, its a longgggg week!
best peaches ever!

some trees have so many peaches on them that the branches just break!
sometimes you ditch the ladder and just climb the tree yourself.... lovely!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

marry me!

The other day we saw something going on at the park.We couldn't quite figure out what it said.
Finally Kortni figured out it said: MARRY ME!

Futbol Americano...

Is what he decided to play this year. The season actually came to an end today but heres a couple of sots from past games!
He thinks he's a champion.
This isn't even Taylor but I'm still allowed to like this picture, right?sometimes there's cheerleaders! This was me last year :)weird that we did this same exact stunt last year....This guy usually comes and entertains me! he stood here and said, "Let me out of jail!"
My favorite is when boys on his team come up to me at school the next day and say: "thanks for coming to my game yesterday!" haha, awesome.

If fishes were wishes

Last week my goal was to blog everyday but then of course our internet wasn't working so I hope to accomplish that this week!
I like to call this little guy Moses. Well, I liked to... he's dead now. It's okay though, he lived a good two months :) I found out I'm bad with fish, my friends gave me 4 fish for my birthday within two weeks, two were gone! I actually kinda want anther fish... we'll see though :)

rainy days

Last week was so rainy! I loved it! I'm definitely a summer girl, but boy do I love the rain!After the rain storms the sun would always shine!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Break!

This week we had fall break! On Thursday we went to the zoo and the rest of the days were spent with my friends :)
Jump!We're fun people, I promise!Welcome to Provo!
Thank you fall break, you treated me well!

See you next year!

Summer by far is the best season! I'm sad to see it go. this is how we rounded up our last night of summer:
Love this little guy.

We watched, Diary of a Wimpy Kid on the big screen
I swear shes a model!
The day before, we had a lemonade and cupcake stand!

they look yummy right? :)
The kids would laugh so hard at this :)
I will miss the summer sunsets!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


The day we have all been waiting for! Okay, maybe just I have been waiting for it, but I'm 13! A teenager! I was counting down the days from the beginning of summer!!

me and my little buddiesI got this beauty :)
Beautiful birthday sunset! this picture doesn't even do its justice!

Thank you to everyone who made my birthday fantastic!! Especially you Uncle Reagan- I swear he told me happy birthday 150 times! And the day after that he told me, "happy day after birthday!" haha thanks.

Mom, I am offended you didn't even post my birthday on your blog.